QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

If you are a QTH Hosting customer and would like to provide your own testimonial to appear on this page, please contact us.

I always receive a prompt response to my requests and questions, even on the holidays! QTH.com has the highest quality of service at the lowest price on the web, always going above and beyond the call of duty for me!

Jenny Williams

Your great customer service is a big reason why I switched to you from ValueWeb.

Mary Charles Blakebrough

Over the five years I've been a QTH.com customer, you have been very responsive to my questions and accommodating to my hosting interests and needs. Thanks for putting together a great service at a great price!

Ethan Miller, K8GU

You are the first web hosting provider I have had in years that I have been happy with!

John Sherman

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

For never doing this before, creating a site with your SiteBuilder was almost painless and fun!!

Mike Alexander, N0BXE

You have the best customer service. I appreciate your quick responses. I have used GoDaddy and DYN and you truly stand above them. Keep up the good work!

Michael Palmer

On those rare occasions when there has been a problem, we've received an almost immediate response and assistance. QTH.com is unquestionably one of the most responsive companies we have ever dealt with. Excellent value for the money!

Dave & Judi Jaksa, Custom Digitizer

Thanks for your excellent service over the past 9 years. I would recommend your hosting and web services to anyone needing web site hosting for their small business or group.

Gary Sutcliffe, Unified Microsystems

I am very pleased with your hosting of my web site. I don't know what more anyone could ask for.

Tim Brown, NM3E Bird Test Equipment

Your SiteBuilder allowed me to do more in 15 minutes than what I accomplished in an entire day using GoDaddy's web site builder. Thank you for your great service and support!!

John Whitt, AI4FR